After an intense week of good-byes in Austria I've finally found the time to write this first blog-entry.
First stop: Cologne, Germany. Admittedly not yet too exotic, but the indigenous population is already quite different from the people in Vienna.
But it's a good place to stop, breathe, and have a look at the photos I took in the last few days..
My goodness, so many farewells!
Just a few:
First stop: Cologne, Germany. Admittedly not yet too exotic, but the indigenous population is already quite different from the people in Vienna.
But it's a good place to stop, breathe, and have a look at the photos I took in the last few days..
My goodness, so many farewells!
Just a few:

At work, in the official inofficial meeting-room especially reserved for beer-drinking occasions like this. (Only after hours, of course!) May the beer bench live long and prosper!
At home in Uppr Austria with my family.
And in Augarten in Vienna, and later in the Liechtenthaler Bräu, and even later in some other pub of which I've forgotten the name for obvious reasons.. With so many of you that I really can't start to tell you how great it was that so many of you managed to come..
And finally, an afternoon with Hannah, my parents, my "little" sister and my youngest niece in Vienna, just before we boarded the night train towards Germany. Somehow relieved, but with a heavy heart.
So thanks to all of you! Many many thanks for making the last months in Austria the awesome time it was. (And yes, that also goes to all of you that weren't in Austria, but definitely around me in spirit.. ;) )
Thanks for making it terribly hard to leave! So thanks to all of you! Many many thanks for making the last months in Austria the awesome time it was. (And yes, that also goes to all of you that weren't in Austria, but definitely around me in spirit.. ;) )
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